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International Yoga Day by Brahma Kumaris, Gamdevi



The 4th annual International Yoga Day was organized by the Brahma Kumaris of Gamdevi, Mumbai, in collaboration with Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Kala Kendra and Yoga Darshan Kala Kendra in the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Conference Hall.

The Chief Guest of the occassion was Mr. Kundanbhai Vyas, the Chief Editor of Janmabhoomi Patrika. BK Dr. Girish Patel from Mt. Abu was the Special Guest. They were felicitated with a shawl and a flower bouquet by Brahma Kumaris Sisters. The program was launched with a sweet inaugural speech by Chandrika behn of Yoga Darshan Kala Kendra. Welcoming a gathering of about 500 – 600 participants, she described the value and importance of Yoga in our life.

Gamdevi BK Centre in-charge, BK Niha behn, explained the meaning of Yoga. Then she introduced Dr. Girish Patel to the audience and requested him to give an address.

Dr. Girish Patel spoke about “Magnetic Yoga.” He said, “In this Yoga we learn how to create +ve (positive) thoughts in meditation by which the mind remains always cool and can fill the atmosphere with +ve vibrations wherever we may go. We can make our lives free from tension. In order to motivate the audience he gave +ve thoughts by commentary and conducted various exercises. Everyone felt some thrill in the atmosphere all around. At the same time, knowledge of Soul and the Supreme Soul, their eternal relationship, and their attributes was given to them.

Lastly, through a Raja Yoga commentary, the following was taught to the audience: the process of detachment of Soul from the body, the feeling of its lightness, and filling it with the divine qualities of God. At the end of the function Chandrika Ben and Asha Ben of Yoga Darshan Kala Kendra extended their hearty gratitude to Mr. Kundanbhai Vyas and Dr. Girish Patel for their valued contribution. The program was declared complete by lending a vote of thanks to one and all.

ब्रह्माकुमारीज़ गामदेवी सेवाकेंद्र ने इंटरनेशनल योग दिवस २१ जून २०१८ गुरुवार के अवसर पर भारतीय विद्याभवन कला केंद्र और योग दर्शन कला केंद्र के साथ भारीतय विद्या भवन सभागृह  में एक विशेष कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया था जिसमे डॉ. गिरीश पटेल द्वारा “मैग्नेटिक योग ” से कैसे हम  अपनेशरीर को तंदुरस्त  रख सकते है और ये योग के समय कैसे सकारात्मक विचारों का चिंतन करे तो वही विचार अपने मन को सकारात्मक रख जीवन मैं आनेवाली समस्या को सकारात्मक रीती से पार कर खुश रह सकते है , तनाव मुक्त जीवन जीने की कला स्वयं ही निर्माण कर सकते है ये बताया.

कार्यक्रम की शुरवात योग कला केंद्र के चन्द्रिका बेन के मधुर वक्तव्य से हुवी , सभा में उपस्थित ५००-६०० सभागणों का उन्होंने योग दिवस के अवसर पर योग का सर्वांगीण महत्व बताकर सभी का स्वागत किया।  उसके पश्चात गामदेवी सेवाकेंद्र के मुख्य संचालिका ब्रह्माकुमारी निहा बेन ने योग का महत्वसमझाकर , डॉ गिरीश पटेल इनके बारे में संक्षिप्त में परिचय देकर उनको अपने मैग्नेटिक योग का महत्व समझाने के लिए अनुरोध किया.

इस कार्यक्रम विशेष अथिति जन्मभूमि पत्रिका के एडिटर कुन्दनभाई व्यास पधारे थे. उनका और डॉ गिरीश पटेल इनका पुष्प गुछ और शॉल से स्वागत किया।

कुन्दनभाई व्यास उन्होंने अपने योग के बारे में क्या विचार है और पुरे देशभर में आज इसका कितना महत्व बढ़ा है और संस्था द्वारा जो मैग्नेटिक योग का विशेष कार्यक्रम का भी आभार प्रस्तुत कर अपने दिल के भाव प्रगट किये.

डॉ गिरीश पटेल अपने मैग्नेटिक योग की शुरुवात में सभा में उपस्थित सभी का उमंग उत्साह बनाए रखने के लिए अपने दिल के भाव प्रगट कर योग के साथ सकारात्मक विचार देकर अलग अलग कसरत कराई , सभी ने बड़ी उमंग उत्साह से इसमें अपना सहयोग दिखाकर करीबन ९० मिनट का ये कार्यक्रम सेएक विशेष सकारात्मक एनर्जी  का  वायुमंडल में अनुभव हो रहा था।  साथ साथ सकारात्मक विचार और आत्मा परमात्मा का परिचय भी ये विचारों के द्वारा दिया गया.

कार्यकम के अंत में राजयोग की कमेंटरी द्वारा आत्मा को शरीर से न्यारा कर हल्का और दिव्य गुणों से और परमात्मा की शक्तियों से कैसे भरे इसका भी प्रयोग करवाया.

योग कला केंद्र के चंद्रिका बेन और आशा बेन बहुत ही दिल से डॉ गिरीश पटेल के लिए आभार मानकर एक अनोखा योग के प्रयोग के लिए धन्यवाद पूर्ण शब्दों से सन्मान किया।

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